Hey ya'll! Since today and Wednesday are Amazon Prime days, we thought we'd share last minute a couple of our favorite tools WE LOVE you can order directly from Amazon. These are tools we're using EVERY SINGLE DAY when we teach and practice with you guys.

WIDE ANGLE LENS: This lens clips right on any tablet or maybe even ANY smartphone. It comes with a lens cover, padded case and clip. This lens is to widen your space. If you don't have a ton of room to move around for the class AND stay on screen for your instructor to see you, YOU NEED THIS. It's a game changer.

AIRPODS: In my home practices and online classes I feel way more involved with them on. I can hear my students, practice with music and or tune out whatever's around me. They truly help block out excess noise and the mic is quality for a zoom class or call. I love and use mine so much I don't really remember what I did without them! The rechargeable case is worth the extra buck, bc if you're like me you'll never remember to plug it in. These charge themselves back up several times before having to completely recharge.

MAT & BLOCK: We love Manduka. They make quality products and love the planet. We used these mats in all of our in-person yoga classes at Harvest. They have a really good premium no-slip grip and have lasted several years. We also use these foam blocks, which are great. They have some cool cork ones too.

TABLET: Ah, and lastly, the iPad. What's not to like? We operate almost our entire online business with Apple products because they work great, are user friendly, compatible with our iphones and up to date with technology and apps. Sorry Droiders, we're apple people. We still love you though!
So yeah, those are just a couple of the products that you can buy on Amazon right NOW!
If you haven't already, recommend our programs to your friends, follow us on social media and check out our Harvest Martial Arts YouTube page. You'll see many of these items throughout our videos and posts. We'd really appreciate it if you'd subscribe to our channel so we can continue to educate the world!!
Amber Joy
Harvest VP